

Jewellery with a gender perspective

This 8 March, let’s celebrate ourselves as courageous women who dream of a better world. And let’s think about how we can incorporate a gender perspective into our work.

8 de marzo y perspectiva de género en joyería.

We outline some first steps that we can take to integrate gender justice in our jewellery



International days are a bit annoying. Because claiming that cause should not just be a one-day thing, nor should it become a mere marketing product.

So let’s take this opportunity to thank our grandmothers and mothers for everything they have fought for so far. 

And to remember that, despite so much progress, equality in the practical exercise of rights is not yet a reality. And that sexism is still everywhere. We have to deal with it on a daily basis in our personal and professional lives, in social networks and in public space (that is when we are lucky and it doesn’t terrorise, rape or kill us).  

So let’s celebrate ourselves as courageous women who dream of a better world.

And let’s think about how we can incorporate a gender perspective into our work.

This is a topic that we would love to go deeper into. Because it is also a piece of the Responsible Jewellery we stand up for. This exercise of change could start by asking ourselves some questions:

  • Can we promote inclusive language and communication free from any sexual or racial stigmatisation on websites  and social media publications?
  • Can we offer jewellery for all kinds of people and bodies that break with the pre-established canons of beauty?
  • Can we also consider the gender focus inside the workshop and the company? For example, by analysing the existing gender dynamics and power, the division of responsibility and management, the public representation of the company…


Happy day to you all!

ORIGEN – Gold for Future