
Dialogues on Responsible Jewellery

A meeting for exchange and discussion on the opportunities to move towards responsible jewellery, starting with the adoption of materials that respect human and environmental rights.

Diálogos sobre Joyería Responsable

The dialogues give a voice to representatives of mining organisations, suppliers and jewellers.

Commitment to sustainability has become one of the biggest challenges for the jewellery industry. Against this setting, the Dialogues on Responsible aim to present new reflexions and information by focusing on the current challenges and possibilities for working with traceable precious metals and gemstones from fair trade circuits that have a positive impact on the global south.

In its first year, the event took place on 30 January 2020 at the Craft Centre of Catalonia, and we were very happy to listen to the expertise of Natalia Uribe (Alliance for Responsible Mining), Francesc Picanyol (Majoral) and Katja Jesek (adoro mi oro). We also counted on the participation of Jose Luis Fettolini, Joan Ignasi Moreu (JORGC), Petra Marín (Grupo Duplex) and Francesc Álvarez (Medicus Mundi Mediterrània).

The second time the event was celebrated, it was held online on 12 November 2020. We organised two conversations with representatives of each of the stages of the jewellery production chain, that show examples of real and inspiring experiences about the integration of social and environmental responsibility in their respective processes.

The first conversation about mining and distribution of responsible metals was with Anny Jaramillo, from the Chede mining organization (Colombia), and Patrick Schein, supplier and refiner (France). The second conversation, talking about specific ethical and sustainable jewellery experiences, was with Arabel Lebrusan, jeweller and member of Fair Luxury (UK), and Roc Majoral, jeweller and member of the ORIGEN – Gold for Future group (Barcelona). Moderated by Salvador Hernández, and editorial coordinator of the Gold&Time online newspaper.

The third time the event took place was on 25 November 2021, in a bilingual Spanish and English format, and it specifically explored the possibilities of responsible silver jewellery. It consisted of a first conversation with Florian Harkort, precious metal supplier and director of FAIREVER GmbH (Germany), and a second conversation with Nidia Pérez, partner and operations coordinator of the Cooperativa Multiactiva Agrominera de Iquira (Colombia)

The fourth edition took place on 6 October 2022 in Disseny Hub Barcelona. It started with a reflection on sustainability as a new contemporaneity in order to delve into the elements that make up responsible jewellery as a proposal for the present and the future. With our colleagues Teresa Estapé, Júlia Mirete (Juia Jewels) and Francesc Picanyol (Majoral), in a conversation guided by journalist Eugènia Sendra. In collaboration with A-FAD, as part of the ENJOIA’T Awards programme.