Sustainability has recently become a matter of urgency and has penetrated with force into all sectors and spheres of life. Science tells us that there is no turning back if we do not want to run out of our planet. In the field of contemporary art, the critical spirit and ways of rethinking the world based on community and solidarity, as opposed to capitalist individualism, are beginning to become a point of reference. Collective initiatives based on cooperation are also being born in jewellery, with the aim of demonstrating that it is possible to practice the craft in a way that respects people’s rights and nature. From this new conception of jewellery, creative and aesthetic expression take on as much importance as the values of social justice and sustainability.
The next edition of the Dialogues on Responsible Jewellery aims to reflect on sustainability as a new contemporaneity and delve into the elements that make up responsible jewellery as a proposal for the present and the future, a horizon that is both a daily practice -proactive and constantly evolving- that is bringing us closer.
We will talk about it with our colleagues Teresa Estapé, Júlia Mirete (Juia Jewels) and Francesc Picanyol (Majoral), in a conversation guided by the journalist Eugènia Sendra, to discover different approaches to begin this journey. The three brands are members of the A-FAD and founders of the ORIGEN – Gold for Future collective, an initiative born in Barcelona in 2020 to contribute to pushing a process of change towards a new model of (responsible) jewellery.
The meeting will take place on Thursday 6 October, at 18:30, in Aula M (floor -1) of Disseny Hub Barcelona, in collaboration with the Association of Artists and Artisans of the FAD (A-FAD), as part of the programme of the International Contemporary Jewellery Awards ENJOIA’T 2022. Attendance is free of charge, with prior registration via the registration form.
Contemporary jewellery exhibitions ENJOIA’T 2022
Disseny Hub Barcelona will also host two exhibitions related to contemporary jewellery. The exhibition «Enric Majoral. La joya expandida», organised by the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona and curated by Maia Creus, traces the professional career of the Formentera-based jeweller. It will be open to the public on the B floor from 23 September to 27 November.
On the other hand, the exhibition of the ENJOIA’T International Contemporary Jewellery Awards, organised by the A-FAD, will present the most transgressive pieces that question the limits of contemporary jewellery itself. This exhibition brings together 26 pieces: 14 jewels selected in the Professional category and 12 in the Student category, all of them produced by jewellers from ten different countries. It will be open to the public from 23 September to 23 October in Space C (floor -1).