We want to be involved in the sector to promote changes in the way we make jewellery, as an essential drive for change in the face of the negative impact linked to the extraction and commercialisation of the precious metals and gems that we use. To do this we want to stimulate critical knowledge and debate as well as access to resources and new paths towards sustainable jewellery that is increasingly responsible and obstacle-free. At the same time, we want to design ways in which to reach the public with the aim of communicating the problems that concern us and the existing alternatives, thereby promoting consumers who are more aware, more responsible and who have a greater power for change.

We are currently involved in these lines of work:

  • Facilitating spaces for exchange and learning
  • Promoting responsible jewellery in jewellery studies
  • Research into the availability of responsible materials
  • Communication and information about responsible jewellery
  • Networking with other organisations and initiatives

Get involved!

We encourage anyone whether professionals or companies in the sector or not, to share our values and concerns and to join us in a large collaborative network from which we can continue to collectively build this new model of commitment for our jewellery.

We are currently at the stage of constituting the group as an association. Please contact us if you would like to be involved in any of our lines of work or to suggest any other collaboration that you can offer.